Download Sim Cell Info 1.2.1 APK
Target: Android 13 (API 33)
About Sim Cell Info 1.2.1
Information about sim cards, network signal, neighboring cells.
For the dual sim phones Android API provided methods only for 7.0 and above (5.1/6.0 partialy).
For some dual sim phones can getting only information about 2 sim and signal strenght for active sim. (Tested on qualcomm 5.1)
For some devices can get information about 2 sim and signal stenght for 2 sim. (Tested on mtk 4.4)
Signal Strenght:
1) API - use standard android API
2) SYS API - use vendor API.
On some devices different calculation of signal strenght.
The SYS API method is more accurate for most devices.
- Calculation LTE band for the current and neighboring cells (Android 7.0+)
- Available dark theme. Can enable it in the settings.
Menu has option 'Debug', it print methods provided by vendor in log.
For users Device Info HW+
- In menu available copy info action
Permissions :
- READ_PHONE_STATE is required for get phone info, IMEI.
- ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION is required for getting neighbor cells.