Download AndChat (Free) 2013-04-08 APK
Version: 2013-04-08 (55)
Package: net.andchat
Downloads: 3,380
Target: Android 4.2 (Jelly Bean MR1, API 17)
What's new in AndChat (Free) 2013-04-08
If you previously set up a server to use SASL, you will have to update the server details and add the SASL details to the dedicated authentication options screen.
Added disconnect confirmation (Android 3.0+)
Added nick colours
Added per server Nickserv/SASL options
Added font options (Settings > Interface)
Tweaks for Android 3.0+
Slash command bug fixes
Many other bug fixes and tweaks
See www.andchat.net/changelog.txt for full list of changes
About AndChat (Free) 2013-04-08
****** This app is no longer being updated ******
AndChat is a multi-server internet relay chat (irc) app for Android, designed to work on both phones and tablets, and includes a tablet optimized layout.
If you like this, why not buy the donate version @ market.android.com/details?id=net.andchat.donate
Official irc channel: irc.ext3.net, #andchat
A donate version available in the Play Store or you can donate via www.andchat.net/donate.
Feel free to contact me with any issues/bugs/feedback:
Web: groups.google.com/group/andchat
Twitter: twitter.com/andchat
Email: contact@andchat.net
Latest change log available at www.andchat.net/changelog.txt.
Quick channel switcher (Android 3.0+)
Ignore list
Multi-Server support
Multi-Charset support
SASL Support
UTF-8 Detection
Chat Logs
Typing history (DPAD up/down)
Nick highlight support for multiple nicknames
SSL Support
User list
Encryption to protect access to password protected servers