Download Audiobookshelf 0.9.79-beta APK
Supports installation on external storage.
Target: Android 14 (API 34)
What's new in Audiobookshelf 0.9.79-beta
- Improved battery usage
- Support covers for servers older than v2.17.0
- Fixed end of chapter sleep timer not respecting playback speed
- Fixed auto sleep timer starting outside of time window
- Missing items now show a missing indicator
- Playlists/collections play button shows pause when item is playing
- Podcast episodes default sort order now based on podcast type
- Disabling auto sleep timer now only disables for that day
- More strings localized
About Audiobookshelf 0.9.79-beta
*For use with your audiobookshelf server. Audiobookshelf is a free and open source audiobook and podcast manager. Follow on github: github.com/advplyr/audiobookshelf
Connect to your self-hosted audiobookshelf server and stream your audiobooks and podcasts directly to your device.