What's new in SetEdit SettingsDatabaseEditor 2023.11.16

v2023.11.16: Addressing issues with Android 14

About SetEdit SettingsDatabaseEditor 2023.11.16

WARNING -- We do not guarantee that problems caused by the improper use of this utility can be fixed, and we are unable to help you with any such problems. We support only this app, not your device's system software. Settings Database Editor (SetEdit) is invaluable if you need it, but if you're not careful you're very likely to mess something up.

By default, for your protection, Android prevents you from modifying the SECURE and GLOBAL tables. If you have Android Jellybean or later, you can remove this protection from an ADB shell using the command "pm grant by4a.setedit22 android.permission.WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS". On earlier versions, you can only remove this protection on a rooted device by installing SetEdit to the system partition.

Some versions of Android will ask you to "check for update". If Google Play does not offer any updated version, then please ignore this. You have the best version of SetEdit for your device.

SetEdit SettingsDatabaseEditor variants

All versions
SetEdit SettingsDatabaseEditor 2023.11.16


Uploaded:November 17, 2023 at 3:45AM UTC

File size:0.09 MB



Uploaded:June 9, 2023 at 12:00AM UTC

File size:0.09 MB


SetEdit SettingsDatabaseEditor 2018.10.31


Uploaded:November 1, 2018 at 5:55AM UTC

File size:0.11 MB


SetEdit SettingsDatabaseEditor 2018.09.01


Uploaded:September 1, 2018 at 12:18AM UTC

File size:0.11 MB



Uploaded:May 27, 2018 at 1:40AM UTC

File size:0.09 MB
