Download Xperia Beta Program 1.1 APK

Version: 1.1 (3)
Languages: 66
Package: com.sonymobile.xperiabeta.signup
Downloads: 19,446
2.83 MB (2,962,811 bytes)
Min: Android 5.0 (Lollipop, API 21)
Target: Android 5.1 (Lollipop MR1, API 22)
Permissions: 3Features: 2Libraries: 1
Uploaded February 11, 2016 at 1:59AM UTC by Radek Bledowski

Download APK
2.83 MB

Xperia Beta Program notes

APK Notes:

Use this app to sign-up for the Xperia Beta Program for Z3 (D6603), Z3 Compact (D5803) and Z2 (D6503). By signing up, you will be able to try a pre-release beta version of the Android 6.0 (Marshmallow). Most importantly, you will also have an open channel with Sony Mobile's developers. Your feedback will enable us to release even better software for your Xperia device. The amount of users for this activity is limited, so hurry up and sign-up!

About Xperia Beta Program 1.1

Use this app to sign-up for the Xperia Beta Program for Z3 (D6603), Z3 Compact (D5803) and Z2 (D6503). By signing up, you will be able to try a pre-release beta version of the Android 6.0 (Marshmallow). Most importantly, you will also have an open channel with Sony Mobile's developers. Your feedback will enable us to release even better software for your Xperia device. The amount of users for this activity is limited, so hurry up and sign-up!

All versions
Xperia Beta Program 1.1
February 11, 2016


Uploaded:February 11, 2016 at 1:59AM UTC

File size:2.83 MB

