Download AutoMagisk 1.0 APK
Target: Android 7.0 (Nougat, API 24)
What's new in AutoMagisk 1.0
In the last couple of weeks there's been a lot of fuss around Magisk, a new way of injecting files into Android, without modifying or mounting read/write the system partition. It gained a large spotlight because of Pokemon Go, and their decision to use SafetyNet in an attempt to block root users, as well as it meaning you can use Android Pay on a rooted device
With the release of Android Pay with my bank and (partially) because of Pokemon Go, I put together an app that disables Magisk's root toggle when you open an app, and re-enables it when you open an app that isn't on its list (usually when you close the app you disabled root for)
It also allows for root to be disabled when the screen is off, in an attempt to allow Android Pay straight from a device that's in your pocket whilst still being rooted. I've not tested this at a terminal yet (I've not had the chance) but it should work in theory.
There's a few of requirements for this app to work:
Magisk (obviously), and an unmodifed system
Phh's superuser (rather than SuperSU, same as Magisk Manager)
The accessibilityservice for it is enabled in the settings - AutoMagisk will prompt you to do this when you launch it
If you're tempted to switch to using Magisk but don't know how, Android Police have a decent guide (aimed at Pokemon Go users but it works regardless) here
Now, obviously this is not a permanent solution. SafetyNet could be updated to detect and block Magisk, in which case this app would stop working as well.
It's also possible SafetyNet won't block Magisk for a while, and we may even see something like an Xposed module that disables Magisk - I considered this but decided it was not feasible for the following reasons:
Disabling Magisk root is slow, it takes longer to disable root than to do a SafetyNet check, so the only way you'd be able to disable root on demand is to physically block the check until root is disabled, dramatically increasing the amount of time the check will take
Obviously Xposed is not a universal solution for all devices & Android versions
By default AutoMagisk will disable root for a select few apps, those that I've personally encountered with SafetyNet in them (except SafetyNet checker which I've left out for debugging). I've created a spreadsheet here for anyone to add apps with SafetyNet and whether AutoMagisk works with them for convenience
App Screenshots
Video of it in action
APK download
(I'm not adding it to the Play Store because I believe it will break policies for deliberately having a part in bypassing SafetyNet)