Download IV Calculator for Pokemon GO 0.5.1 APK
Version: 0.5.1 (8)
Languages: 73
Package: com.andcreate.app.pokemon_go_iv_checker
Downloads: 183,433
Target: Android 6.0 (Marshmallow, API 23)
What's new in IV Calculator for Pokemon GO 0.5.1
ver 0.5.1
- Improve the description of how to use.
ver 0.5.0
- Add finish button in the notification.
- Add setting pokemon order.
- Display the amount of stardust.
- some bugfix.
ver 0.4.1
- rollback Pokemon selection method.(bug)
ver 0.4.0
- add France and Germany pokemon names.
- Improvement of the Pokemon selection method.
- Layout adjustment.
- some bugfix.
ver 0.3.1
- Adjust the bar deviation of by trainer level.
- Adjust the iv result infomation.
- bugfix.
About IV Calculator for Pokemon GO 0.5.1
Is a resident individual value checker of "Pokemon GO".
Calculation of individual values while playing the game you can easily.
How to use
・To reside their apps in the resident START button.(Button will be displayed on the screen.)
・Launch the Pokemon GO.
・Open the Pokemon detail screen of Pokemon GO.
・Display the individual value measurement screen by tapping a button on the screen.(The display turns off when you tap again.)
・Tap the name of the Pokemon, choose the Pokemon of the target.
・Setting the trainer level.
・To adjust the Pokemon level to match the Pokemon GO level bar.
・Setting the Pokemon of CP and HP.
・Press the calculation button to see the results.(Result Press and hold you can copy the score. It will be easier to manage if you want to keep with the name.)